Energetic Space Clearing is an ancient practice found across cultures and generations.
Native Americans have used the smoke of Sage as a purifying tool for generations. In Central and South America, the sacred wood, Palo Santo is used for both spiritual and physical clearing ceremonies. In many other faith traditions such as Christianity, Buddhism and Hinduism, the burning of incense as part of religious ceremony is common as is its use in creating sacred space.
The clearing and blessing of homes and lands is something that has been passed on through generations and across cultures with the idea that sacred space can be created through ceremony and intention.
Our environments have their own unique vibration and frequency. Just like people, homes and spaces collect energetic imprints. Layers of energetic memories can impact the feeling of a space in both positive and negative ways. These energetic imprints can affect the health and vitality of a space, its occupants and the natural landscape.
The vibe of a space can even be palpable to our senses. For example, have you ever walked into a space and immediately felt uplifted or in a better mood? Or perhaps had the opposite experience of feeling uneasy or tense in a place without an apparent reason?
Space clearing is a sacred practice of acknowledging the energetic imprints that are all around us and illustrates the importance of revitalizing spaces with clearing practices.
At Radiant Spaces, we use an array of indigenous, holistic and energetic clearing techniques to assist, rebalance and nourish the healthy flow of energy to bring about harmony with the environment to support the well-being of all who occupy the space.
Space and Land Clearing can be done at any time but may be especially helpful during these circumstances
- Rumi
Promotes harmony in homes, land, office or commercial spaces
Removes imprints of stress, tension or negative energy
May increase a sense of well-being and peace
Helps to stabilizes the flow of energy in a space to maintain a positive environment
May increase productivity, creative energy and boost prosperity (Great for home offices & businesses!)
Select the square footage option that reflects your space the best.
Tier 1
Tier 2
Tier 3
Tier 4
Due to Covid-19, Radiant Spaces is primarily doing remote
space clearings. If you are interested in an in-person clearing,
contact Radiant Spaces for a custom quote as travel fees do apply.
A one of a kind gift, perfect for any occasion.
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Space Clearing Practitioners, Lisa Geren & Renee Eisen have been trained and certified in Elemental Space Clearing® by Denise Linn, a master teacher and author of the quintessential book on space clearing, Sacred Space.